Minecraft Mansion

Browse and download Minecraft Mansion Data Packs by the Planet Minecraft community.

If You want to live like a real billionaire then You've come to a the right place. The Modern Mansion is a glorious house with a luxurious outlook, which will remind You of a celebrity house straight from Beverly Hills. This mansion truly looks like the owner of this house has too much money and he doesn't know what to do with it... And who's going to be the owner of the house? It's going to be YOU! Get the blueprints for the Modern Mansion and You're already one step closer to Your dream mansion ;)
  1. Skill level: 32: Object added: 01 Feb 2016: Width: 118: Height: 39: Depth: 77: Tags: huge modern mansion, modern house, house, mansion, building, modern: Block Count.
  2. Minecraft Mansion: This Instructable is about building a large Minecraft mansion. The finished mansion will be three stories tall and have a separate stable.

Blocks you'll need:

Snow Block556
Spruce Wood Plank178
Gray Wool100
Jungle Leaves71
Still Water13
Oak Door6
Spruce Wood Stairs6
Glass Pane4
Wall Sign4
Oak Fence1
Wooden Pressure Plate1
View Other Materials54
Skill level2
Object added23 Sep 2015
Block Count1895
Object materials
Snow Block556
Spruce Wood Plank178
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom)115
Gray Wool100
Jungle Leaves (No Decay)64
Still Water13
Jungle Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay)7
Water (Water level Max - 1, Falling)5
Glass Pane4
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper3
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal)2
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Normal)2
Wall Sign, south2
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Normal)2
Wall Sign, west2
Rail (curved; south and west)1
Oak Fence1
Rail (curved; north and east)1
Oak Door (Facing West, Closed, Lower)1
Rail (curved; north and west)1
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper)1
Oak Door (Facing South, Closed, Lower)1
Wooden Pressure Plate (Unactive)1
Oak Door (Facing North, Closed, Lower)1
Rail (curved; south and east)1
Water (Water level Max)1
'I was building this on Pocket Edition and when I got to the stairs on Level 3, I didn’t know how they were supposed to be placed. Can someone help me?' -

Generating model...
(left click: forward, right click: backward, Movement: W, A, S, D, R, F, Toggle mouse tracking - C)
24 Blocks

Drag slider < Left | Right > to see different levels:


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